Rochele Lawson- Episode #25- The Technology = Equality Podcast

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The Technology = Equality Community Welcomes Rochele Lawson,

The Queen of Feeling Fabulous!

How do you treat You?
Rochelle reminds us how important the signs our body send, can really be. She also reveals the coolest piece of technology, of which she is fortunate enough to use in her practice daily! The Tricorder is REAL! 

“If you don’t put the effort in you won’t see the results..” ~Rochele Lawson

Strategy: Pay attention to how stress manifests in your body. Figure out what kinds of foods, enviroments and sleep patterns work best for you and be sure to create a plan. Once you have a plan in place, do your best to stick to with it.
Wisdom: Do a little research and create an action plan. Then create a back up plan and be ready to adjust. Be careful how you spend; really consider if the expenses are justified and always listen to your GUT!
Wish: To make people understand that you have to put in the work to get results. There is a process to getting your health and business in line.